Class DrawObj

  extended by edu.byu.phun2d.DrawObj
Direct Known Subclasses:
Arc, Axes, Group, Line, Oval, Rect, Text, Triangle

public class DrawObj
extends java.lang.Object

This is the superclass of every object that can be drawn. This super class allows any of its subclasses to be added to a Win2D or to a Group. The result is that structures of drawings can be built with arbitrary complexity.

This class also manages the line color, line width and fill color for all of its subclasses.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Color getFillColor()
          Returns the color being used to fill this object.
 Color getLineColor()
          Returns the color being used to draw the border on this object.
 double getLineWidth()
          The width of the line/border.
 double getRotate()
          Returns the rotation angle
 double getScaleX()
          Get the X scale factor
 double getScaleY()
          Get the Y scale factor
 Point getTranslate()
          Returns the point to where the origin (0,0) has been translated
 Point insideToOutside(Point outsidePoint)
 Point outsideToInside(Point outsidePoint)
 void setFillColor(Color c)
          Changes the fill color of this object.
 void setLineColor(Color c)
          Changes the border or line color of this object.
 void setLineWidth(double width)
          Changes the width of the line or border of this object.
 void setRotate(double angle)
          This will rotate the object around the point (0,0) regardless of where the center of the object is.
 void setScale(double scaleX, double scaleY)
          This will change the size of the object.
 void setTranslate(double x, double y)
          This will move the origin (0,0) to location (x,y)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DrawObj()
Method Detail


public void setFillColor(Color c)
Changes the fill color of this object. For solid shapes, the fill color is the color that is in the interior of the shape. If this is set to null then the shape will not be filled at all. The default fill color is black.

c - the new fill color.


public Color getFillColor()
Returns the color being used to fill this object. If this is null then the object is not being filled.



public void setLineColor(Color c)
Changes the border or line color of this object. For solid shapes, the line color is the border. If this is set to null then no border is drawn. The default line color is gray.

c - the new line/border color.


public Color getLineColor()
Returns the color being used to draw the border on this object. If this is null then no border is drawn. For Line this is the color of the line itself.



public void setLineWidth(double width)
Changes the width of the line or border of this object. The default line width is 0.1 re

width - the new line width.


public double getLineWidth()
The width of the line/border.



public void setScale(double scaleX,
                     double scaleY)
This will change the size of the object. The size is changed by multiplying every coordinate in the object by scaleX and scaleY. If a scale factor is greater than 1 then things will get bigger. If a scale factor is between 0.0 and 1.0 then things will get smaller. If a scale factor is less than zero then the object will be resized and reflected (flipped over). Note that scale factors of zero will make the object disappear. The default is (1,1) which leaves the size unchanged.

Scaling is performed relative to the point (0,0) regardless of where center of the object is.

scaleX - the scale factor to be applied in the X direction.
scaleY - the scale factor to be applied in the Y direction.


public double getScaleX()
Get the X scale factor

the scale factor for X


public double getScaleY()
Get the Y scale factor

the scale factor for Y


public void setTranslate(double x,
                         double y)
This will move the origin (0,0) to location (x,y)

x - the X coordinate of the new location
y - the Y coordinate of the new location


public Point getTranslate()
Returns the point to where the origin (0,0) has been translated

the origin translation point.


public void setRotate(double angle)
This will rotate the object around the point (0,0) regardless of where the center of the object is.

angle - this is the counterclockwise angle in degrees that the object is to rotate.


public double getRotate()
Returns the rotation angle

the rotation angle


public Point insideToOutside(Point outsidePoint)


public Point outsideToInside(Point outsidePoint)