Using PowerPoint

 Why? Being able to present your work is essential to developing quality user experiences. PowerPoint is the dominant tool for making presentations. We will also use PowerPoint as a tool for sketching out visual designs. If you are on a Macintosh, PowerPoint is available. However, many Macintosh users prefer Keynote. Because students, teams, the instructor and the TAs all need to communicate, a knowledge of PowerPoint is required. Once you leave the class, you are welcome to seek the tools of your choice :-)

VideoThis video (9:40) describes how to create a basic PowerPoint presentation. This includes creating the slide deck, adding slides, creating bulleted lists, using images, and drawing basic shapes and arrows.

Cast and Props

This video (15:05) describes how to build a collection of cast members and props from which you can rapidly build stories about user experiences.

Using Cast and Props in UX Story

This video (15:10) describes how to take a collection of cast members and props and assemble them into stories. It also shows how to generate a file folder of cast and props from which you can rapidly build many different stories.

Wireframe Design

This video (21:50) describes how to use PowerPoint to create simple wireframe designs for user interfaces.